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Calling All Super Moms!

Are you a superhero mom, juggling life with a child or youth with Special Needs and Disabilities? Look no further!

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What We Do?

We’re not just any non-profit organization; we’re a tribe of fierce, compassionate mothers. Our secret weapons? Knowledge, Experience, and an unshakable Passion.

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Latest Event

Our non-profit organization is here to wrap you in a warm, supportive hug. We’re like a cozy blanket on a chilly day, providing resources, guidance, and a community of fellow wonder women.

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Who are we?

Welcome to our digital haven! We’re not just pixels and code; we’re a vibrant community fueled by passion, purpose, and a shared vision. Here’s the scoop on who we are

The Dream Weavers

We started as a spark—a collective dream to make a difference. Our mission? To weave hope, resilience, and joy into the fabric of lives touched by Special Needs and Disabilities.

Meet the Heroes

Our team? A league of everyday superheroes. From tireless advocates to compassionate listeners, we’re moms, dads, and allies who’ve donned capes of empathy. Together, we’re rewriting narratives and championing inclusion.

Our Compass

 Guided by stardust and unwavering love, we navigate uncharted territories. Our North Star? Empowerment. We believe every child deserves a constellation of opportunities, regardless of their unique journey.

The Toolbox

Resource Binder – Our toolkit is brimming with wisdom, battle-tested strategies, and heartwarming stories. Think of it as a treasure chest—filled with resources, connections, and resilience potions.


Background History

Resource Binder Overview

Contact Us

Phone : 647-669-1168

Email Id :

Suggestion or Queries

Give us a few suggestions and ideas we can use within our Visible Angels group! Your feedback helps us bring you more of the events you love and the service you expect. Ask us any questions or concerns you may have regarding Visible Angels by filling up this form using the link below!